Friday, December 26, 2014

How to *NOT* get Cancer -- and How to Get Rid Of Cancer

I am now going to discuss the topic of * CANCER *.

Remember that I am not a physician, nor a medical doctor, so nothing I am saying here can be construed as dispensing medical advice.  Please go and read the "disclaimer page".


Any information provided or mentioned in these pages is for informational and educational purposes only. Under no circumstances am I  offering any form or type of medical advice or services. I urge that all medical decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified doctor or health care provider.

Everything that I am going to mention here are MY OPINIONS.

So - anyway - here it goes.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why ANYONE should EVER get cancer.

So - why are so many people suffering from food allergies and cancer these days?  ** IN MY OPINION **  it is because people are no longer eating REAL FOOD, and also because corporations are polluting our food with destructive chemicals, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Folks are eating processed foods, chemical-laden foods, and "fast foods" (which is not really "food) from such **CRAPPY** restaurants as  Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the like.

When I was growing up, I do not *EVER* remember hearing about phenomena such as "food allergies".  What happened?  Well  --  something MASSIVE began happening starting in the years 1994 through 1996.

I hope that this video will be a real eye opener.

Robyn O'Brien at TEDx - Austin 2011

Robyn O'Brien at TEDx - Austin 2011

** AND ** here is a super video regarding JUICING !

Video - "Super Juice Me"

Like I said, there should be NO REASON why anyone should ever get cancer.  If our bodies are HEALTHY and our immune systems our ACTIVE  --  our bodies should be able to heal themselves by the power of  * The Divine *  --  that is ...  * God *.

It would be SO AWESOME if everyone would re-learn and re-train themselves to eat ACTUAL HEALTHY FOODS such as fresh and organic fruits and vegetables  -- and to grow our own gardens in our back yards.


CANCER CANNOT GROW in our bodies if the PH level of our bodies is BASIC (** NOT ** acidic).

This means that we need to keep the PH level of our bodies  BASIC  --   at a level of 7 or higher.

How do we do this?

By eating/drinking acidic fruits.  And eating green (and leafy) vegetables.

This is totally awesome - right?  Acidic fruits are converted by our bodies into a PH-BASIC environment.

All one has to do is pulp up a raw lemon - or a raw lime - into every glass of fresh, purified, distilled water and drink it.  Or one could add in a half teaspoon of baking soda -- and perhaps apple cider vinegar --  with that as well.

As a matter of fact, I personally know of someone who  CURED HERSELF OF CANCER  --  by eating healthily, and by juicing, and by "going raw and organic"  !!!!  If you are interested, and you post a comment with your name and email address, I will let her know, and she might get in contact with you.

You can determine what your own PH level is, by purchasing PH paper strips (or PH tape) at any pharmacy.  It is also better, and more accurate, to test one's urine versus one's saliva.

You would look for something like this:

PH Tape on Amazon


Do you ** REALLY ** think that the "medical establishment" wants you to know how to keep from getting cancer?  ** OR ** If you end up getting cancer, do you ** REALLY **  think that the "medical establishment" wants you to know how to ** CURE YOURSELF **  of cancer?


The medical establishment is in the PROFIT BUSINESS of continuing to make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars off of cancer.

The truth is that you can prevent cancer --  and cure yourself of that cancer (if you get it) --  by only spending PENNIES !!!!!!

How ???  By eating correctly !!  And by eating healthily !!!!


You already know part of the answer to this question.  Start eating raw foods/fruits/vegetables.  Start eating correctly and healthily.  START JUICING.  And get your body to a PH LEVEL that is BASIC.

The other answer to this  --  to eradicate the actual cancer cells .......  is ..........  a    RIFE GENERATOR !

There was a man named "Royal Rife"  who, back in the 1940s and 1950s discovered that all organisms have a "RESONANT FREQUENCY".

He determined the "resonant frequency" of various types of cancer cells, and invented  a FREQUENCY GENERATOR --  that he used to broadcast those particular frequencies into a person's body, in order to kill and destroy JUST the cancer cells.

He was curing people of cancer for the cost of  --  MERE PENNIES !!!!!!!

Do you know what happened?  The "medical establishment" covered all this up.

That's right !  The "medical establishment"  --  whose "Hippocratic Oath" is to "Do No Harm"  has been harming millions upon millions of people, by covering up and virtually destroying an ACTUAL CURE for cancer.

However, you can learn all about this, by searching the internet on the search string "Royal Rife" and "Rife Generator".

Here are a few links.....


It is perfectly OKAY for a private individual to own one of these devices.

However, it is ILLEGAL for a MEDICAL PRACTITIONER to own one of these devices, and use it in their medical office.  I know of a particular natural-pathic doctor in our local area who was using one of these machines, and people were getting rid of their cancer, and "the government" sued him and shut him down.  That sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it?

Here are a few links for one to purchase one of these machines for oneself ......

Boosting One's Immune System

You can boost your immune system by using that SUPERTONIC recipe that I posted in another post/article here.

Supertonic Recipe

Or  --  for a very similar recipe called "FIRE CIDER" (that does not use alcohol in the "base" of the tincture) -- you could check out this video ...

or here ...

I hope that you are now energized to "spread the word" regarding HEALTH and NUTRITION and VITALITY  !!!!!!!!

A Small Addendum

You could check out this Facebook group page if you would like ....

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Removing Your Poisonous Heavy-Metal Mercury Fillings

Another very important factor in achieving better health is removing all the poisonous heavy-metal Mercury fillings from one's mouth.

Why is it that the only place that we are told that it is SAFE to store poisonous heavy-metal Mercury is in our mouths?

Any dentist that tells you that there is no Mercury in fillings * IS LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH TO YOU * !!!!!  (pun intended).

How do I know this ?  My chiropractor and my new dentist (who is actually trustworthy) told me.

The only place (that I know of) in the Kansas City, Missouri area that is certified in removing poisonous heavy-metal Mercury fillings from one's mouth is  LIGHTHOUSE DENTAL.

They are located on 350 Highway in Raytown,  Missouri.  Here is the URL to their website (shameless plug and free advertising commences) :

Lighthouse Dental

Please call them, and find out ** THE TRUTH ** regarding that Mercury that is in your mouth, and then get it all removed.

Back in 2011 through 2012, I was getting more and more fatigued.  I learned that my poisonous heavy-metal Mercury fillings were starting to become degraded, and were separating from my teeth and that the Mercury was leeching out into my body.

I started inquiring where to go to have them removed.  My chiropractor told me about Lighthouse Dental.  So - from December 2012 through March 2013, I progressively had all 5 of my Mercury fillings removed.

Then I began a massive  HEAVY-METAL DETOX regimen.

Guess what ?!?!?!?!?!?????  Shortly afterwards --  NO MORE CHRONIC FATIGUE !!!!!!!!

***  VERY IMPORTANT ***  ::  DO NOT BEGIN your heavy-metal/mercury detox UNTIL AFTER ALL of your fillings are removed from your mouth.

Here is an excellent book resource that will teach you everything you need to know about Mercury fillings and how to DETOX from it :

Amalgam Illness Diagnosis Treatment

If you find your nearest WHOLE FOODS MARKET, they have heavy-metal/mercury detox supplements/regimens :

Whole Foods Market

Enjoy !!  Namaste !!!

Colon Cleansing

Back when I was teaching at Penn Valley Community College, I used to take some time out of class once in a while to teach my students about Health and Nutrition.  My desire was to teach them how to *GET* healthy, *STAY* healthy and *BE* healthy.

During the last few years, we had no extra time for "supplementary material" since we had to spend all our time going over programming and coding.

* NOW * I will reprise my discussions *here*.

Probably one of the most important things to do *FIRST* is to clear out one's colon.  This is so that your body can absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the food you eat (OF COURSE - this also pre-supposes that one is eating healthy, natural and nutritious food).

In addition, with all the "crap" that Americans have been eating, there is a lot of buildup of "crap" that remains lodged in the folds of the colon, and it festers.  All of this "crap" that is festering within the colon creates all kinds of maladies and diseases including but not limited to :  iritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia, lupus, etc.

When the colon is clogged, poisons buildup in the body, *and* those poisons can backup and buildup in *other* bodily systems, such as the lymphatic system, and the blood system.  This FURTHER EXACERBATES conditions of disease in the body.

*So* - rather than taking drugs to cure any diseases that might be plaguing one's body -  why not simply ELIMINATE THE CAUSE of the disease - and let the body heal itself?

Why not get rid of the toxins that have built up in the body, and then start eating healthy foods, and then let the body's immune system get strong, so as to allow one's body to heal itself?

Which brings us to the COLON.  How can one quickly and simply flush out the COLON?

Here's how:

(A)  Take 2 TABLESPOONS of Pure Psyllium Husk Powder (Psyllium is a *GRAIN* like oats or barley), and place this into around 16 to 20 ounces of orange juice or apple juice, and shake it up thoroughly
(B)  Drink the mixture * really quickly * before the powder gets thick
(C)  Over the next 12 hours ** BE SURE TO DRINK PLENTY OF WATER ** (this is to ensure that you flush the psyllium husk powder EASILY through your intestines and colon)
(D)  Roughly 12 hours later, ** YOU WILL BE STUNNED, ASTONISHED AND AMAZED ** at what you "eliminate"
(E)  If you want, you can repeat this same process, 2 or 3 days later
(F)  *Next* - you will want to start taking PRO-BIOTICS to fill your intestinal tract with healthy bacteria to aid in the thorough digestion of food


(once one has completed this first step - one may be ready to move onto more "detoxification" of one's body)

Here are a few URLs for obtaining Pure Psyllium Husk Powder :

Psyllium Husk Powder (A)

Psyllium Husk Powder (B)

This is what I use :

DISCLAIMER for Health and Nutrition Opinions

DISCLAIMER: My health and nutrition opinions and suggestions **HAVE NOT** been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., nor the A.M.A., nor any other 3-lettered federal, state, local or private agency.  By the DICTATES of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LAW  --  ONLY THE F.D.A CAN CLAIM TO CURE AND HEAL ANY DISEASE - BY ADMINISTERING FEDERALLY APPROVED DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.  Any statements that I make on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.  In addition, my opinions and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  My health and nutrition suggestions are based *SOLELY* upon my own opinions --  and the opinions expressed on this website are **NOT** based on any clinical practice nor any medical training nor any medical schooling.  I do not offer my opinions for the purpose of diagnosis, prescription for, treatment of, or claims to prevent, mitigate or cure any disease, medical, emotional or psychological condition.  My opinions, suggestions and discussions are **NOT** offered to diagnose or cure any medical or psychological conditions **NOR DO THEY** claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor do they make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.  Therefore, if you are ill, have any disease or malady, are pregnant, or are just intending on improving your health, you are required to consult a GOVERNMENT APPROVED MEDICAL DOCTOR for medical advice, treatment and services.  Upon entering this website, you hereby agree to take full responsibility for yourself, your health and you further agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless  --  myself.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kombucha Tip on "Weighting Down" the Mother SCOBY - to let the Baby Make a Good Seal

I've noticed now - after making several batches of Kombucha -  that the Mother SCOBY tends to float to the top of the tea mixture.

The "mother scoby" is either floating vertically - or at an angle of about 30 degrees -  and the mother pushes up on the brand-new Baby SCOBY, thus not allowing it to make a good seal around the edges of the jar,  *and* also not allowing the baby to grow as thick as it could - because the mother is taking up the room underneath it.

Here is a picture.......

** SSOO **  I've been trying to "channel a solution".  I did a bunch of searching around the internet and Amazon, and I believe that the Universe gave me the perfect solution !!!

I bought a bunch of "Ramiken"s  (at Pryde's in Westport)  --  or called ... ceramic custard-making cups  --  that are about 3-inches in diameter.  I believe that they would be perfect for placing on top of the mother SCOBY  --  in order to "weigh her down" to keep her lower in the jar - to give the baby a chance to get REALLY THICK and create a good seal around the edges, in order for maximum fermentation to occur !!!

Here is a picture (and they are only $3.95 each) !!

I shall try this on my next batch (since I currently have one in the making)....  and let all y'all know how it went !!!

:-)  Namaste !!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Supertonic Recipe

This is a SUPERTONIC recipe that I learned from my Chiropractor - Page Crow - who perhaps got it from Richard Schulze ( ).

This is to help build your immune system, and keep you healthy (of course....  you must also eat healthy foods as well.  It won't do much good, of course, if you eat Big Mac's at McDonalds all the time).

Here it is !!!  Enjoy it, and enjoy your health !!


  • 8 bulbs of fresh garlic
  • 3 "hands" of fresh ginger
  • 8 thin/red/hot peppers
  • 1 large white onion
  • 1 large fresh horseradish root


Wash all the ingredients well, especially the horseradish root (it might possibly have dirt on it).  Peel only the "outer-skin" off of the onion and garlic.  There is no need to take the "thin skin" off of each garlic clove.  Grind up all the ingredients in a food processor, and put the entire batch of ground-up contents into a large, 1-gallon, restaurant sized pickle jar or olive jar.  Using a mixture of one-half apple cider vinegar and one-half vodka (a preservative), pour this liquid into the jar so the top of the liquid is one inch above the top of the ground ingredients.  Put the lid back on the jar.  Let the (capped) jar sit out in the open for 30 days.  Shake the jar every day, once in the morning, and once in the evening.

At the end of the 30 days, using cheese cloth (or appropriate equivalent), strain the juice into a separate jar, placing the ground ingredients into another large separate bowl.  Using cheese cloth, squeeze and strain out the remaining juice from the ground pulp into the juice jar.  There is a lot of juice left in the pulp that you want to get.  Store the strained juice in a dark container in a cupboard between uses.  (you could COMPOST the leftover food ingredients if you'd like).

For daily use, you may take portions of the tonic and place it into a smaller dark container such as a washed/cleaned out brown hydrogen peroxide bottle.


Squirt 2 eye droppers full of the tonic into your mouth and swallow it.  Do this in the morning and in the evening.  What does it taste like?  A very strong Italian Dressing (Italian Dressing with a kick).


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kombucha Tea Pix/Resources

After about 18 to 24 hours, you should start seeing little "scoby tendrils" poking down from the surface of the tea, and a very thin "film" start forming on the top of the tea...

 After about one or two days, you start seeing a "thicker film"  - or new SCOBY forming on the top of the tea...

Note that I am using one of those "new fangled" LED/LASER temperature checkers...  you want to keep the kombucha temperature at or above 72 degrees F the whole time.  I use a 125W heat lamp to ensure this when I have to  (I keep my house thermostat set at 60 degrees in the wintertime).

Here - you can see the SCOBY near the end of the two weeks getting to be about 1/2 inch thick, and notice the fizziness and bubbles coming up around the edge of the baby SCOBY...

Here is a closer view of a two-week old batch of kombucha with a thick SCOBY (side and top view)

Here is the set of vinyl gloves that I bought at the grocery store....

Here is the "delicates bag" that I bought at WalMart...

But...  here are some other options...

a "paint strainer bag"...   Paint Strainer Bag

or...  a "nut milk bag" ...  Nut Milk Bag


How to make Kombucha Tea

(PREAMBLE :  The acronym "SCOBY" stands for "Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast".  This is the "disc-shaped" organism that ferments the sugar and tea into "kombucha".  You may also hear it referred to as a "mushroom", since it does kind-of look like the top of a mushroom.  You may also hear it referred to as a "mother", since with each brand-new batch of kombucha that you make, a brand-new *baby* SCOBY is formed on the top surface of the tea in the jar  -- hence the "mother" SCOBY gives birth to a new baby SCOBY with each batch. )


STEP #1 ::  Obtain an already existing SCOBY and  . . 1 and 1/2 cups  . .  of "starter kombucha" from someone else (this is if you are just starting out.  if you have done this at least once, you can now use your own SCOBYs)

    (NOTE/HINT/TIP:  when handling a SCOBY, never use your bare hands...  always use something like "vinyl gloves".  The "hand oil" will damage the SCOBY)

STEP #2 ::  Place this "starter mix" in a clean 1 gallon glass jar, and let it sit waiting

STEP #3 ::  Separately, off on the other side of the room (i.e. in separate jar(s)) use this combination listed here ::

10 cups of organic water
10 TBS (tablespoons) of plain organic cane sugar
8 teabags of plain/regular/**non-flavored** black organic tea (it is CRUCIAL that you use ** PLAIN ** black tea)

STEP #4 ::  Boil the 10 cups of water.  Pour this boiled water into a *SEPARATE* 1 gallon glass jar (*SEPARATE* from the other jar that contains the STARTER mixture)

STEP #5 ::  Mix into the boiled water and stir the 10 tablespoons of cane sugar

STEP #6 ::  Mix in the 8 teabags of black tea.  Stir and let sit UNTIL THE WATER BECOMES ROOM TEMPERATURE (less than 80 degrees).  Squeeze out the teabags to maximize the tea and water volume (it is CRUCIAL that you let the water cool down to room temperature)

STEP #7 ::  Take that cooled down (room temperature) tea and pour it into the OTHER/FIRST JAR that contains the kombucha starter mixture (which has the SCOBY)

STEP #8 ::  Let this sweet tea/kombucha mixture sit for about two weeks  ( NEVER STIR THIS MIXTURE ).  Over the next two weeks, watch the brand-new BABY SCOBY form on the top.  It should get about 1/2 inch thick.  ( NEVER STIR THIS MIXTURE ).  You must keep this tea jar at or above 72 degrees the entire time.  (ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE ::  keep your jar out of the direct sunlight.  It's best to have it on the counter -- or a shelf somewhere --  in shadow)

(NOTE/HINT/TIP:  while this sits and ferments, keep the top of the jar ** OPEN TO THE AIR ** -- [ do not seal it with a lid ]  --  *BUT* cover the top with a t-shirt, or coffee filter, or paper towel, and cinch it down using a gum-band.  This is to keep dust and dirt and insects out of the kombucha)

STEP #9 :: Along the way, at about the 1 week to 2 week mark, you can stick a straw down into the mixture, and place your finger over the top of the straw, to draw out a small sample and taste it.  If it tastes slightly apple-cider-vinegary, and fizzy - then IT'S READY !!


STEP #10 ::  From the basic tea jar, filter/strain out the tea from the SCOBYs (you can leave the SCOBY(s) in the original jar).  The *NEW KOMBUCHA* will now be in a separate jar, and the SCOBYs will be in the original jar.  Place about 1 cup, or 1.5 cups,  of your NEW KOMBUCHA back in with the SCOBY(s), to use as your newest/latest starter mixture

. . . . . . . . (NOTE: Each time you make kombucha, you get one brand new SCOBY **per jar**. So after the first or second time, you can increase your production capacity.  (a.k.a. - get additional jars to make more kombucha each time)

STEP #11 ::  In yet another container, prepare your "fruit infusion mixture" ( this fruit combination is totally up to you and what you like )

. . . . . . . .  Here are some initial suggestions :

. . . . . . . .  (a) 12 oz mushed blueberries / 2 crushed sticks cinnamon (per gallon)
. . . . . . . .  (b) 12 oz mushed blackberries / 2 crushed sticks cinnamon (per gallon)
. . . . . . . .  (c) 8 oz mushed strawberries / 3 mushed apples (per gallon)
. . . . . . . .  (d) 1/2 mushed pineapple / 3 mushed kiwi (per gallon)
. . . . . . . .  (e) 12 oz mushed purple grapes / 1/4 mushed ginger root (per gallon)
. . . . . . . .  (f) 12 oz mushed cherries / 3 tablespoons of dried organic LAVENDER PETALS

. . . . . . . .  ( note...  all this fruit is organic... )
. . . . . . . .  ( note...  you can get ORGANIC DRIED LAVENDER at "Whole Foods" market - or the equivalent... )
. . . . . . . .  ( further note...  the reason that I "mush" - or - "blenderize" my fruit is because it maximizes the infusion of the FRUITY GOODNESS into the kombucha.  A "mushed" cherry will allow more fruit flavor to seep into the kombucha than a *whole* cherry... )

STEP #12 ::  Pour your "FRUIT MIXTURE" into the separated tea, and let sit and infuse for between two to three days.  Stir occasionally.  Be sure to put a lid on this jar (seal the jar), and place the jar in your refrigerator, to keep it cool while it infuses.

STEP #13 ::  After 2 to 3 days, filter/strain out the "FRUIT MIXTURE PULP" from the kombucha tea into a separate jar.  This is your new kombucha which you can place into smaller jars for storage and drinking.  ( BE CAREFUL !!!  DO NOT FILL THE SMALL JARS TOO FULL !!  BECAUSE WHEN YOU OPEN THEM, THEY WILL/SHALL EXPAND AND PERHAPS OVERFLOW DUE TO THE FIZZINESS AND GOODNESS !!!)

    (NOTE/HINT/TIP:  when straining/filtering the fruit from the Kombucha, rather than using a strainer - which still leaves some of the pulp in with the kombucha  --  you can use a "delicates bag", which you can purchase from WalMart in the laundry section.  This is a fine mesh bag which will get out practically all of the fruit/pulp/solids.  *PLUS* you can squeeze out the kombucha to the maximum extent so as to maximize the kombucha liquid!)

    (NOTE/HINT/TIP:  OPTIONS are ::  (1) use a "delicates bag", or (2) use a "paint strainer bag", or (3) use a "nut milk bag")

STEP #14 ::  Repeat all this again with STEP #1

STEP #15 ::  If you so desire, after you have separated your fruit pulp from the kombucha, you could certainly use the fruit pulp in fruit smoothies !!!