Thursday, July 4, 2013

Rhetorical Question #2

On May 9th on Facebook --  and here, under "Rhetorical Question #1", I made a post where I posed a completely rhetorical question (simply for consideration and pondering).

You might want to scroll down on my timeline, and read the entire original question, or just read the summary here:

"** WHAT IF ** many things that you had been taught all your life about the Bible, God, Jesus, Jesus' life, Jesus crucifixion and life after the crucifixion were wrong?  --  What would you think?  How would you respond?"

That was the rhetorical question then....

Here, again, I'd like to pose yet another completely rhetorical question, for folks to just simply consider and ponder....

** WHAT IF **...

... Jesus had a "normal birth"?
... Jesus, while in Egypt as a young child, joined the group called the Essenes?
... Jesus, from ages 12 through 30, traveled to India, Tibet and the Himalayas (via the Old Silk Route), where he learned from the Yogis, and in-turn taught them?
... Jesus, while in India, had the local "spiritual authorities" try to kill him there because He was too disruptive?
... Jesus, really, really, really tried to teach us how to "improve" - but His teachings have been corrupted over the centuries?
... Jesus had a relationship with Mary Magdalene?
... Jesus, did not really die on the cross?
... Jesus, was revived from the crucifixion by His Essene brethren?
... Jesus, after the crucifixion, returned to India and the East to continue His teachings there?
... Jesus continued His life with Mary Magdalene in India and elsewhere?
... Jesus "physically died" in AD109 and His physical grave is in India ?
... Jesus' mother Mary's "physical grave" is in Pakistan (through which they had traveled after the crucifixion)?
... Jesus has been "appearing" to various sincere seeking people, most especially Yogis in India, since his "physical death" in order to continue to help humanity?
... and
... what if all of this is documented?

* now *

How would you react...
What would you think...
How would you feel...
How would you respond...
What would you do...

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you on here, Ray! I write on Blogger as well, when I have time. I will keep up with you here and on fb - AND in person!
    Debz Shakti
