Friday, December 26, 2014

How to *NOT* get Cancer -- and How to Get Rid Of Cancer

I am now going to discuss the topic of * CANCER *.

Remember that I am not a physician, nor a medical doctor, so nothing I am saying here can be construed as dispensing medical advice.  Please go and read the "disclaimer page".


Any information provided or mentioned in these pages is for informational and educational purposes only. Under no circumstances am I  offering any form or type of medical advice or services. I urge that all medical decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified doctor or health care provider.

Everything that I am going to mention here are MY OPINIONS.

So - anyway - here it goes.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why ANYONE should EVER get cancer.

So - why are so many people suffering from food allergies and cancer these days?  ** IN MY OPINION **  it is because people are no longer eating REAL FOOD, and also because corporations are polluting our food with destructive chemicals, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Folks are eating processed foods, chemical-laden foods, and "fast foods" (which is not really "food) from such **CRAPPY** restaurants as  Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the like.

When I was growing up, I do not *EVER* remember hearing about phenomena such as "food allergies".  What happened?  Well  --  something MASSIVE began happening starting in the years 1994 through 1996.

I hope that this video will be a real eye opener.

Robyn O'Brien at TEDx - Austin 2011

Robyn O'Brien at TEDx - Austin 2011

** AND ** here is a super video regarding JUICING !

Video - "Super Juice Me"

Like I said, there should be NO REASON why anyone should ever get cancer.  If our bodies are HEALTHY and our immune systems our ACTIVE  --  our bodies should be able to heal themselves by the power of  * The Divine *  --  that is ...  * God *.

It would be SO AWESOME if everyone would re-learn and re-train themselves to eat ACTUAL HEALTHY FOODS such as fresh and organic fruits and vegetables  -- and to grow our own gardens in our back yards.


CANCER CANNOT GROW in our bodies if the PH level of our bodies is BASIC (** NOT ** acidic).

This means that we need to keep the PH level of our bodies  BASIC  --   at a level of 7 or higher.

How do we do this?

By eating/drinking acidic fruits.  And eating green (and leafy) vegetables.

This is totally awesome - right?  Acidic fruits are converted by our bodies into a PH-BASIC environment.

All one has to do is pulp up a raw lemon - or a raw lime - into every glass of fresh, purified, distilled water and drink it.  Or one could add in a half teaspoon of baking soda -- and perhaps apple cider vinegar --  with that as well.

As a matter of fact, I personally know of someone who  CURED HERSELF OF CANCER  --  by eating healthily, and by juicing, and by "going raw and organic"  !!!!  If you are interested, and you post a comment with your name and email address, I will let her know, and she might get in contact with you.

You can determine what your own PH level is, by purchasing PH paper strips (or PH tape) at any pharmacy.  It is also better, and more accurate, to test one's urine versus one's saliva.

You would look for something like this:

PH Tape on Amazon


Do you ** REALLY ** think that the "medical establishment" wants you to know how to keep from getting cancer?  ** OR ** If you end up getting cancer, do you ** REALLY **  think that the "medical establishment" wants you to know how to ** CURE YOURSELF **  of cancer?


The medical establishment is in the PROFIT BUSINESS of continuing to make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars off of cancer.

The truth is that you can prevent cancer --  and cure yourself of that cancer (if you get it) --  by only spending PENNIES !!!!!!

How ???  By eating correctly !!  And by eating healthily !!!!


You already know part of the answer to this question.  Start eating raw foods/fruits/vegetables.  Start eating correctly and healthily.  START JUICING.  And get your body to a PH LEVEL that is BASIC.

The other answer to this  --  to eradicate the actual cancer cells .......  is ..........  a    RIFE GENERATOR !

There was a man named "Royal Rife"  who, back in the 1940s and 1950s discovered that all organisms have a "RESONANT FREQUENCY".

He determined the "resonant frequency" of various types of cancer cells, and invented  a FREQUENCY GENERATOR --  that he used to broadcast those particular frequencies into a person's body, in order to kill and destroy JUST the cancer cells.

He was curing people of cancer for the cost of  --  MERE PENNIES !!!!!!!

Do you know what happened?  The "medical establishment" covered all this up.

That's right !  The "medical establishment"  --  whose "Hippocratic Oath" is to "Do No Harm"  has been harming millions upon millions of people, by covering up and virtually destroying an ACTUAL CURE for cancer.

However, you can learn all about this, by searching the internet on the search string "Royal Rife" and "Rife Generator".

Here are a few links.....


It is perfectly OKAY for a private individual to own one of these devices.

However, it is ILLEGAL for a MEDICAL PRACTITIONER to own one of these devices, and use it in their medical office.  I know of a particular natural-pathic doctor in our local area who was using one of these machines, and people were getting rid of their cancer, and "the government" sued him and shut him down.  That sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it?

Here are a few links for one to purchase one of these machines for oneself ......

Boosting One's Immune System

You can boost your immune system by using that SUPERTONIC recipe that I posted in another post/article here.

Supertonic Recipe

Or  --  for a very similar recipe called "FIRE CIDER" (that does not use alcohol in the "base" of the tincture) -- you could check out this video ...

or here ...

I hope that you are now energized to "spread the word" regarding HEALTH and NUTRITION and VITALITY  !!!!!!!!

A Small Addendum

You could check out this Facebook group page if you would like ....